Monday, August 8, 2016


Who was the great person, who lit the world with electricity?
Thomas Edison.
He too was a victim of ''abcd''.
Let Edison's light come on us.

Pablo Picasso, famous painter.
He used to say, ''3 looks like my uncle's nose in reverse.''

Who's the father of Mickey Mouse?
Walt Disney.
He was too confused about words, so he put his art into cartoons.
He used to write songs out of the shame about his red report card.

Agatha Christy, famous mystery book writer.
Can you believe a writer, who was unable to read in her childhood?
But, why am l telling you all this suddenly today?
To show you that, there were gems in the world who changed it.
They were able to see the world from their eyes.
Their minds were a bit different.
People came in their ways.
But still they won.
And they won like that the whole world saw it in awe.
We will step out remembering them.
And we'll make something different.

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