Monday, January 4, 2016

7 Informal Contractions

WANNA know what GONNA means? LEMME show you.

Have you seen words like "gonna" or "wanna" and wondered
what they mean? Perhaps you have looked in a dictionary and
been unable to find them. That's because these words are
"informal contractions" or short forms of other words that
people use when speaking informally. They are not exactly
, but they are a little like slang. In fact, if you
look in a good (big) dictionary, you will usually find them.

Here are the 7 most common informal contractions, with
example sentences:

1. GIMME = give me
Gimme your money.
Don't gimme that rubbish.
Can you gimme a hand?

2. GONNA = going to
Nothing's gonna change my love for you.
I'm not gonna tell you.
What are you gonna do?

3a. GOTTA = (have) got a
I've gotta gun.
I gotta gun.
She hasn't gotta penny
Have you gotta car?

3b. GOTTA = (have) got to
I've gotta go now.
I gotta go now.
We haven't gotta do that.
Have they gotta work?

4. INIT = isn't it
That's smart, init?
Init strange?

5. KINDA = kind of
She's kinda cute.
Are you kinda mad at me?

6. LEMME = let me
Lemme go!
He didn't lemme see it.

7a. WANNA = want to
I wanna go home.
I don't wanna go.
Do you wanna watch TV?

7b. WANNA = want a
I wanna coffee.
I don't wanna thing from you.
Do you wanna beer?

Please remember that these are *
informal* contractions.
That means that we do not use them in "correct" speech, and
we almost never use them in writing. We use them only when
speaking fast and informally
, for example with friends. Also,
the sentences above may be a little artificial because when
we use a contraction like "wanna", we probably also use
other contractions in the same sentence, as follows:

Do you want a beer?
Do you wanna beer?
D'you wanna beer?
D'ya wanna beer?
Ya wanna beer?
Wanna beer?

Best wishes,
Nadun Flower, Founder
the Global Study Desk

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